Sunday, January 19, 2014


Singing about the good things of God is what the men's chorus of His Voice does every month.  To start the new year of 2014 they joined in worship with several congregations.  In the morning of Saturday, January 11, His Voice shared with Filipino Adventists at their church off Redlands Blvd and then journeyed on to the senior community of Mission Commons on Terracina, for another rousing concert in the afternoon.  Below are a few photos from that blessed event.

Mission Commons, 10 Terracina Blvd, Redlands, CA
His Voice began the concert singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy" in surround sound.
More and more resident came as the sound of men singing could be heard down the halls.
A Noble Venture
Pianist Jerry Albritton following Director Mike as he leads the afternoon concert.
A beautiful bust of a happy mother and
child at play graces the halls
Gary Kerstetter tells the story of coming to Mission Commons.
The first floor view of a beautiful afternoon

There is a rest of the soul, just sitting still and listening to Christian men singing about the good things of God.

Author and Mission Commons resident Dorothy Minchin Comm and her sweet pet dog
enjoy listening to His Voice. Dorothy's 3 book biography series "Three Homes for the Heart"
(The Paper House, The Bamboo House, The Gazebo) is now available on

Director Mike Naluai and tenor Mario Rocha sing a duet

L-R: Ron Tkalec, Rad Krkljus, Rudy Gumangan, and Bob Opp following their leader.
They do ... Honor Our Veterans!

Some folk sat upstairs in the library to listen

We were greeted warmly by these two staff members

A beautiful corner...

Director Mike listening to his men's chorus

Photos by Nancy Troyer

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