Sunday, January 19, 2014


It was early to bed and early to rise for another day to sing praises to God, Sunday, January 12, 2014.  His Voice journeyed south into Orange County to gather together and sing at the senior community of Laguna Woods.  They had been invited to sing at one of Rick Warren's satellite church communities, Laguna Woods, for their nine and eleven o'clock morning worship services.  Join us now by scrolling down through these photos to see the blessings in this day.

Heading south on CA-241 S toward Laguna

Being introduced at Saddleback Laguna Woods felt very special!

 Pastor Rick Bradford interviews Director Michael Naluai and the men of His Voice
Director Mike singing "Champion of Love"
The Laguna Woods congregation has several ministries, small groups being at the top of their list, but there is much more: counseling, medical help, prayer, Bible study, food pantry, potluck dinners, etc.  Free Bibles, bagels and donuts upon arrival. . . .

Pastor Rick Warren shared his thoughts, "Your Life Support System - preparing for 50 days of transformation."  This reporter's notes are shown below.  God has a lot to say about family, "Where two or three are gathered together in My Name...."  

Rick Warren's Tweet Sheets!
The Laguna Woods lobby had this unique hanging garden

Before both services, bagels, donuts, fruit, and much more - a delicious welcome!

Basses Buddy Fisher and Chris Christopher wait in the wings

Relaxing in the Laguna Woods lobby between songs....
Tables lined the outer areas on two sides of the Laguna Woods banquet room with regular rows of chairs in the middle.  These women had chosen the outer limits for their group of friends

His Voice tenor John Trautman's wife Joan was happy to see her old friend Diane Bradford,
pastor's wife and counselor of Saddleback Laguna West

Three happy Saddleback ladies holding their new His Voice CD's

The audio visual team kept everything moving smoothly

Back stage view of His Voice as they ended their worship concert at Saddleback

Thumbs up on a job well done, guys!
After the two worship services His Voice shared their CDs with the departing congregation

Don't leave empty handed!

And finally, the last word from the men of His Voice, "Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful morning!"

Photos by Nancy Troyer

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