Saturday, January 11, 2014


Saturday, January 11, 2014, His Voice shared the love of Jesus with the Inland Empire Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church ( ) during their 11 o'clock worship service at the corner of State Street and Redlands Blvd in Redlands, CA

Photos by Nancy Troyer

Early-bird singers pose in front of the Inland Empire Filipino Church sign.
L-R: Rad Krkljus, Mario Rocha, Bob Ferguson, Don Troyer, and Sherman Jefferson

Church pastor (center) and two greeters welcome guests

The worship service begins with the congregation
 singing an inspirational song
Singing along...
Children story actors share the Good News of the Gospel

During the children's story youth actor has a question for a shy boy
There were plenty of children enjoying a action-packed skit

Introducing His Voice

His Voice Director Mike leads His Voice in "Holy,
Holy, Holy" as they surround the congregation
His Voice enjoyed the acoustics of the grand sanctuary

Tenor Bob Ferguson trying out his Filipino with the congregation

His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton accompanies
Director Mike as he sings "Champion of Love"

His Voice quartet singing together, L-R:
Bob Opp, Zeke Vieira, Jay Robinson, and Ron Tkalec

Director Mike sharing with the congregation

Two happy ladies receive their CDs

Filipino Pastor expressing his appreciation before the benediction.

Along with weekly church potlucks, the Redlands Filipino Church also serves food to the homeless on Sunday afternoons
His Voice Baritone Jim Romero and his wife Luz,
are both members of Inland Empire Filipino Church.