Friday, December 27, 2013


Over thirty members of His Voice gathered at Don and Nancy Troyer's home in Banning, Sunday afternoon, December 15, 2013, for some Christmas fun. 
Below are some pictures from that event for all to enjoy! 
Photos by Nancy Troyer

The silver bells were ringing as guests entered
The Christmas Tree was laiden with treasures old and new

Relaxing in the livingroom as John Trautman sings, "The Birthday of a King"

L-R: Rodney Knight, Donald and Julie Gwinn

Nestled symbolically above the happy songs and between trumpeting
angels was a little baby doll representing the Christ Child ...
"Let all Heaven rejoice!"

Joyce Leal leading in a Christmas Carol with Karen Knight at the piano

Mike & Debbie Naluai lead in the Hawaiian version of the Twelve Days of Christmas

With every new verse of "Numbah ... and My Tutu gave to Me" the crowd swelled with song

"Numbah one day of Christmas, My tutu gave to me;
One mynah bird in one papaya tree . . ."

Karen Knight on the accordian and Joyce Leal at the piano - what a festive sound!

Joan Trautman ponders her gift as Judy Van Dyke looks on.

Millie Jefferson was quite surprised
when she opened her present!

"Numbah two day of Christmas myTutu gave to me, 2 coconuts and one mynah bird ...."

Don Troyer reading a poignant Christmas story

The three amigos, L-R: John Trautman, Rudy Gumangan, and Sherman Jefferson

John Trautman is just .... amazed!

New His Voice President, Sherman Jefferson, has a few words of wisdom to share.

There it is again, lights, lights, everywhere!

Don Troyer (L) shows the guys - Harold Van Dyke, Mike Naluai, and
John Trautman - his Man Cave and a little football, too.

Someone's in the kitchen ... not far from the goodies, too!
Sherman Jefferson filming the family room crowd with his iPad.  It was just too windy to mingle outside

The trumpet blowing angels can be seen from the road.
 (Note: that little lantern shown in front of the door used to shelter a hummingbird family below it).

Early birds resting in the living room.

Joyce and Bill Leal in the dining room.

Debbie Naluai brought her angels and other decorations....

Several people had birthdays in December,
thus the flagship cake!
The collage of frames - His Voice through the years

Debbie Naluai & Harold Van Dyke look at the collage of frames...


Gail and Jay Richardson glad just to be together

Mario Rocha (L) talking to Don Troyer

A panaroma of hymn singing, L-R: Mario Rocha, Don Troyer, Millie Jefferson, Joan Trautman,
Judy Van Dyke, Sherman Jefferson, Rudy Gumangan, and Tom Tillinghast.

Not far from the action, L-R:
 Joan Trautman, Judy Van Dyke, Barb and Sid Shipman

Don Troyer and others singing Christmas Carols

Bill Leal admiring the Christmas Tree

Zoltan Batori playing his recorder with Karen Knight at the piano

All thirty-two guests ended up in the living room as the carols began

Debbie Naluai singing away with Joyce Leal close by

"Come with me to stable bare, See the Baby lying there, kings and shepherds and wise men three, worship the King on bended knee."

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