Monday, November 24, 2008

Our Director's Letter of Thanksgiving

November 24, 2008:
A Letter of Thanksgiving from
Mike Naluai, Director of His Voice Men’s Chorus

I am sitting here this morning reflecting on the events of this past weekend and am grateful to a God who has given us all a glimpse of what He has in store for us in Heaven and the open opportunities He has for us in His Voice's ministry.

Everything, from singing on the plane, mini concerts at the Alamo Car rental office
and Staybridge Suites concessions, our time of worship Sabbath morning, our time of praise and adoration with the Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus, culminating in our Worship with the Ukrainian Baptist Church in Vancouver, was a testimony of God working in and through you by His Spirit.

In all of our time of ministry this weekend, I could see the Spirit working in you and could hear the angels augmenting your voices with their own, to bring tribute to an awesome God. Yes, your sound was wonderful, but less any of us boast, you and I know and fully understand that credit belongs to a loving God who is using you to reach His sheep who are called by His voice.

I am also grateful to Lou Wildman and his staff who worked tirelessly to make this weekend of the Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Festival a Spirit-filled weekend. They made us feel at home and as ONE we lifted our voices together in praise to God.

Many times I was brought to tears and unable to sing because the sound was so magnificent. It gave me a glimpse of what Isaiah experienced when in vision when he saw the Lord seated on His throne, high and exalted. Above God were seraphs, each with six wings, with two they covered their faces and with two they covered their feet and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another,

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty the whole earth is full of His glory. At the sound of their voices the doorpost and threshold shook and the temple was filled with smoke.”

I, too, felt that shaking this past weekend!

This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for you, the family of His Voice, as you minister to me. Yes, you minister to me through your prayers, your kind words, and through the Spirit who sings through you. I can't help but worship as I see you worship in your songs. I am a grateful director to a God who has called me to this experience and to you who have answered His call to serve Him with the talent He has given you.
Debbie and I wish you and your families
a Happy Thanksgiving!
I Love You!
Your Director, Mike

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