Friday, November 28, 2008

Sharing Ukrainian Blessings!

The Ukrainian Baptist Church was the last concert stop before leaving Vancouver, Washington. The men arrived early enough to look around, take pictures, and learn the language ... actually, a couple of the men in His Voice actually spoke Ukrainian. At the beginning of the worship service, the Baptist Ukrainian pastor shared a story ... before the Baptist Ukrainian Church group had their own sanctuary, they were looking for a place to worship and the Baptist pastor approached an Adventist pastor in the area to ask him if they could meet in his church. The Adventist pastor listened for a while and then told the Baptist pastor that another church wanted to rent their church but he liked them and told them they were welcome to come worship in their Adventist church on Sunday. The Ukrainian pastor never forgot that kindness and when he learned that His Voice was in town, he was happy to welcome them into his church. So it was that His Voice came to sing for a young Baptist church family and, of course, God blessed everyone inside!
SPECIAL THANKS: Before the weekend, the editor's press camera broke and two members of His Voice -- Director Mike Naluai and Bass Rad Krkljus/daughter Nancy Krkljus -- offered their cameras (a Canon & a Sony) for the 3 Days in Vancouver. Special thanks to these folk for trusting their cameras in the editor's hands and making possible the pictures you see in these three articles. - Nancy Troyer, "The Press"
(Double click on pictures to enlarge them.)

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