Friday, March 7, 2008


It’s Thursday night and the men of His Voice are at the Valley Adventist Church in Sun City singing beautiful songs together. Sonja Dias is at the piano as Mike Naluai directs and encourages the men. The mellow sounds of old gospel favorites float through church sanctuary, "Does Jesus Care ... I'm Satisfied ... No More Night ... Praise the Lord, the Almighty ...." I wish you were here soaking in these sounds of praise! The sanctuary is beautiful and in a state of anticipation as the stage props build each week for the Easter cantata, just two weeks away. One thing we won't forget is how blessed the men's chorus is to be able to practice weekly in this remarkable house of worship.
The sound of rustling plastic filled the room earlier in the evening as the men unwrapped their new concert shirts. We’re all used to seeing His Voice in their matching blue shirts that have served them well the past three years. Earlier this week, His Voice wives, Debbie and Natalija, scooped up the the new aqua or teal colored shirts in a super Kohl’s sale. The theme color easily reminds me of somewhere serene ... perhaps, Heaven! Now we await a new tie Pianist Joyce has found to complete the ensemble.
As practice ended this evening, I quickly put my new book away and joined the group as they pressed close in a circle of prayer sharing requests of all kinds, maybe even one of yours. His Voice Bass Buddy Fisher spoke for everyone when he bowed his head and began praying with a beautiful promise from God, “Fear not, for I am with you….”
The whole evening spent in praise is now behind us. The anxiety and stress disappears in this atmosphere as easily as a new shirt unwrapped.
Thank you, Lord!
Written by Nancy (the Notetaker) Troyer, His Voice News Editor

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