Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Saturday, March 15, 2014, His Voice drove down the mountain to worship with the residents of the Coachella Valley.  In the morning, they shared the gospel with the Seventh-day Adventist congregation of the Palm Springs at 620 South Sunrise Way.  As so often happens in Palm Springs, the sanctuary was filled with "snow birds" who come every winter to warm up - some as far away as Canada . Before His Voice began their worship concert, Pastor Mike Leno spoke on the "Letter to a Chosen Lady" spoken of in the second book of John. 
After a bountiful potluck of vegetarian casseroles and delicious desserts at the Palm Springs church, the men's chorus sang to the senior residents of Hallmark Palm Springs and then drove on to Palm Desert for a vespers concert at the Palm Desert Oasis Adventist Church.  Pictures from those concerts will appear in a separate news story.
If you would like to view this beautiful morning worship service, including Pastor Leno's sermon (Worship in Scripture) and the His Voice concert (Worship in Music) go to http://palmspringsadventistchurch.com/dir/videos/
We hope you enjoy the photos below.  The first photo is of the Psalm Springs Adventist Church on South Sunrise Way.
L-R: His Voice Director Michael Naluai, Palm Springs Adventist Church Pastor Mike Leno, and His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton.  All ministers of the Good News about Jesus Christ.

Director Mike Naluai receiving an appreciation "Dove Award" 
from Dan Redmon of Destination Sabbath School.

His Voice Baritone & Scheduling Director Gary Kerstetter (center) introducing the men of His Voice
The spacious Palm Springs sanctuary was filled with "snow birds" from as far north as Alberta, Canada
His Voice Director Michael Naluai singing from the heart

His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton sharing an inspirational piano solo
The His Voice Quartet harmonizing, L-R: Bob Opp, Jay Robinson, Zeke Vieira, and Ron Tkalec
Director Mike leading the congregation in several well known hymns

His Voice 2014 President Sherman Jefferson offering the benediction

His Voice CDs, "Written in Red" and "Almighty God" were in the foyer for folks to take His Voice home with them

After the worship service, the men of His Voice were happy to meet Jan Lind, the daughter of the late Gospel music composer/arranger/singer Wayne Hooper *(see link to bio at end of article). L-R: Ron Tkalec, Director Michael Naluai, Rad Krkljus, Mario Rocha, Bob Ferguson, Pianist Jerry Albritton, Leonard Kuninobu, Sherman Jefferson, Zeke Vieira, Jan Lind - Wayne Hooper's daughter, Don Troyer, Harold Van Dyke, Bob Opp, Jay Robinson, Frank Hartog, Dale Anderson, Cleban Dias, Sid Shipman, Gary Kerstetter, and Chris Christopher (seated).
His Voice Baritone Don Troyer with the hospitable Weaver family

New friends holding His Voice CDs
His Voice Tenor Dale Anderson with an old friend

Happy worshipers sharing His love in their smiles

"What matters most, is not our length of days, but what love and beauty we have left behind."  - W.H.
*Wayne Hooper, Biography > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Hooper

Watch the video of the His Voice Concert in Palm Springs, March 15, 2014 worship service >

Photos and story: Nancy Troyer, His Voice Communications
For email inquiries: HisVoiceNews@aol.com  (or) website > www.HisVoice.us

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