Sunday, March 2, 2014


Tuesday evening, February 25, 2014, His Voice traveled south into Orange County for their second visit to the faith community of Saddleback.  This evening they arrived at Clubhouse 7 off Moulton Parkway in Laguna Woods in time to enjoy some good food and friendly faces before the concert. 
The evening concert "A Night of Worship" began with His Voice surrounding the colorful tables full of chatting guests and filling the room with the rich sound of men's voices as they sang at first softly and then filling the whole room with the grand praise of,  "Holy, Holy, Holy."
Toward the end of the concert, Saddleback Pastor Dick Whitton lead those gathered in a Communion service with small glasses of grape juice and single discs of soup crackers as he read the story of the Last Supper. 
Some of the community heard His Voice earlier in January and enthusiastically shared with the men some of their favorite songs from the "Written in Red" and "Almighty God" CDs.  Others came for the first time and were delighted to receive gift CDs to take His Voice home with them. 
Although, the journey  down the crowded freeways into Orange County was long, the evening interwoven with praises to God, words from the Holy Scripture, and prayer circles with new friends were sweet reminders of the presence of Jesus.  
Below are a few photos from that evening.  
His Voice singing for the faith community of Saddleback - Laguna Woods, Clubhouse 7, 24111 Moulton Parkway
Entry way to clubhouse

Even though it was a long trip, Tenor Bob Ferguson
 was grateful to have arrived safe and sound
Saddleback Pastor Dick Whitton conferring with
 Director Michael Naluai before the concert
His Voice enjoying the honor of being first in line

Good food and friends - a night of plenty!
Pianist Jerry Albritton dining with new friends
Bass Tom Tillinghast (L) and the other men of His Voice
beginning the Night of Worship with "Holy, Holy, Holy"

Eager hands clapping in appreciation

Tenor Mario Rocha singing to the attentive listeners of Saddleback - Laguna Woods

His Voice quartet blend in melody under the director of their leader Mike,
 L-R: Jay Robinson, Bob Opp, Zeke Vieira, and Ron Tkalec
Singing along, "Soon and Very Soon We Are Going to See the King"

Director Mike and Baritone Don Troyer sharing the mission of His Voice

Pastor Dick Whitton greeting his congregation and thanking His Voice during the Night of Worship

Pastor Whitton raising his cup as he shares the Gospel story of the Last Supper
A Saddleback deacon holding the communion tray as Pastor Whitton speaks
Singers Harold Van Dyke and Bob Ferguson greeting listeners as they leave
Director Mike greeting a dear sister and brother in Christ
Bass Leonard Kuninobu and his wife Shelley
A happy Saddleback sister who was so enthusiastic about CD songs she had been
listening to since the  January concert. L-R: Rad Krkljus, Bob Opp, Carolyn, and Don Troyer
Bass Frank Hartog handing CD to lady

Tenors Rodney Knight and Jay Robinson visiting with lady

Two Happy Ladies with their new CDs

Pastor Dick Whitton was still smiling following the Night of Worship, as he
 talked with Tenor Ron Tkalec and Director Michael Naluai following the concert

Bass Don Troyer with the happy ladies of Saddleback
Following the Night of Worship the men of His Voice included a sister requesting special prayer.

The His Voice circle of prayer, a weaving of hearts and souls, in communion with a loving and listening Heavenly Father
Photos and Story by
Nancy Troyer, His Voice Communication
Aloha po! 
(ah-LO-ha PO)


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