Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Saturday morning, October 12, 2013, His Voice entered the sanctuary of the Loma Linda Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church, at the corner of Van Leuven Street and Mountain View Avenue to share some heavenly music.  Following the worship concert, the congregation and singers were treated to a delicious Chinese buffet lunch.  Below are a few pictures from the concert .
The sun bathes the front of the majestic sanctuary at 25665 Van Leuven Street in Loma Linda
Warren Johns shares some amazing discoveries about the Hebrew
Sanctuary during one of  several morning Sabbath School lesson studies
An aisle view of the concert in the lofty sanctuary

Mario Rocha and Director Mike in a melodious duet

Director Mike getting some feedback during the children's story

Tenor Rodney Knight introduces a song with translator Marie

Marie Char translated for
 the Chinese congregation

L-R: Mario Rocha, John Trautman, Jay Robinson,
Sherman Jefferson, Don Troyer, and Jim Romero

The happy audio booth team

John Trautman and Harold Van Dyke stopped to
share with these lovely ladies of the congregation
L-R: Leonard Kuninobo, Mary Chun, Dale Anderson,
and John Trautman in the fellowship dinner line

The men's chorus and the church family enjoying some delicious Chinese food
Wall plaque in English and Chinese explaining the mission of the Chinese congregation 

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