Sunday, May 19, 2013


Hemet Church of the Nazarene Worship Pastor Dennis Benlty welcomed His Voice, Sunday evening, May 19, 2012, as they began their final concert of the season.  The men's chorus shared the love of Jesus in song with the friendly congregation at 42655 E. Florida Street in Hemet.  Please enjoy the pictures taken during the concert (below).
The men of His Voice, pictured in this photo, are still
singing strong after their fourth and final concert in May.
Director Michael Naluai and Baritone Don Troyer share the mission of His Voice. 
Sid Shipman and Tom Tillinghast, resting inbetween, seem amused.
His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton, far left, keeps His Voice on their toes.
Front Row, L-R: Chris Christopher, Dale Anderson, Sid Shipman, and Tom Tillinghast.
Middle Row, L-R: Jay Robinson, Bob Ferguson, and Ron Tkalec
Back Row, L-R: Harold Van Dyke, Bob Opp, Rad Krkljus, and Leonard Kuninobo
This prayer cross was in a quiet corner of the sanctuary - lots of stories here!

His Voice tenor Jay Robinson's family came to support him (wife Gail, far right).
His Voice tenor Ron Tkalec was glad to pose with these happy visitors.
The Church Courtesy Carts helped members to and from their cars ...
with a smile. Perhaps Director Mike, far left, was rushing to get a ride!?
This hymnal doll, the product of creative folding
graced the church lobby.


Pictures taken by
Nancy Troyer, His Voice Communications 

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