Sunday, May 12, 2013


Sunday, May 12, 2013, the  needy hit the jackpot at Calvary Presbyterian on Magnolia Avenue.  One Stop: Hot Meals, Gospel Music, and the Tooth Fairy!  Well, okay, a close second, a free visit to the dentist. 

His Voice was asked to share a concert at the Riverside church's weekly Hot Meals program by fellow singer Dr. Gary Kerstetter who had invited his friends to join him as his students were holding a dental clinic during the Sunday supper for the needy.

Calvary Presbyterian Church continues to serve the community every day by giving out sack lunches throughout the week and can always use more volunteers for both programs. Visit their website for more information  Below are a few pictures from that amazing visit.
Before the dinner began, the volunteers and singers waited in Copeland Hall for dinner time to begin.  Behind them on the wall was a welcoming picture of Jesus. Amazingly, no matter where one turned it seemed like the warm smile of Jesus was there ... See how many times you spot it in the pictures below.  
 Calvary Presbyterian Church volunteers gathered together in Copeland Hall to pray before the Hot Meals were served.

 It was a noisy atmosphere when the guests arrived and took their seats as each was eager to visit with friends they rarely saw on the street and of course the hot food was plentiful with seconds and thirds  available just for the asking . . . but a little noise didn't stop the men of His Voice from sharing the Good News!
The church volunteers were happy to share a few lovin' spoonfuls! 

The large room was empty one moment and completely full the next.  After the meal the guys
 and gals lined up to pick out shirts, pants, coats, shoes, and other things they needed from the church Clothes Closet.
Milk was a popular item, especially for this young lad.
His Voice singers Dale & Sherman talk to
 volunteers at the guy's Clothes Closet.

One of the volunteers visits with a few of the His Voice team, L-R: Julie Gwinn, the happy volunteer, Millie Jefferson, Lorraine Fisher, Tom Tillinghast, Buddy Fisher, and Sherman Jefferson

A dental student doing a medical procedure on a young lady.

Dental students from Loma Linda University who held a dental clinic for the guests
Millie Sherman, wife of His Voice Baritone Sherman Jefferson,
joined the volunteers to bring good cheer to the guests.

His Voice singer Sid Shipman visited with some of the guests

After  supper, this fellow was one of the first to leave the building.  He didn't leave empty handed, though, for he had a good meal under his belt, a heart-full of Gospel music, and well, perhaps a few less toothaches.  ... wonder if he noticed Jesus smiling! 


Written by
Nancy Troyer
His Voice Communications

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