October 2009 - "Sing His Love, Follow His Voice"
The Monthly Inspirational and Informational Ministry of His Voice Men's Chorus
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me, and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.” JOHN 10;27,28
~~~~~~~HIS VOICE CONCERT DAY, October 10, 2009
MORNING WORSHIP CONCERT, 11:00 AM: Chino Portuguese Adventist Church, 4730 Park Street, Chino, CA 91710, 909.465.9899, Website: http://www.chino-sda.org
AFTERNOON CONCERT, 3:15 PM: Fallbrook Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility, 325 Potter Street, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Phone: 760.728.2330
VESPERS CONCERT, 5:00 PM: Fallbrook Adventist Church Vespers, 1200 Old Highway 395, Fallbrook, CA 92028 Phone: 760.723.7733 FallbrookAdventist@earthlink.net 6:30 PM: Light Supper following
MENTONE WORSHIP CONCERTS: In the early hours of the morning, September 12, His Voice men’s chorus journeyed north to Mentone, one of San Bernardino County’s bedroom communities in Southern California. This particular concert morning the men sang in two church sanctuaries, sharing with both the Spanish and English speaking congregations. The 2 church sanctuaries shared a common campus and outside the celestial walls all was quiet and pastoral. The congregations graciously shared with the visitors a delicious outdoor picnic-style lunch following the services.
SAN DIEGO VESPERS CONCERT: The afternoon hours of September 12, faded into evening shadows as the families of His Voice arrived in south San Diego for their final concert of the day. Gate guards stood aside, doors opened, elevators lifted, and white lights flooded the stage as His Voice gathered in Liberty Theater at the new Paradise Village Retirement Community. The sweet sounds of men singing together filled the spacious hall for the evening vespers. Following the concert His Voice was treated to a light supper and several couples were overnight guests in the beautiful guest rooms at Paradise Village.
MEXICO MISSION TRIP: Early Wednesday, September 23, volunteers from His Voice and their friends drove down to two orphanages in Baja, California, south of the American border. Volunteers included: Dale Anderson, Zoltan Baltori, Anesio Dias, Rodney and Karen Knight, Gary Neuharth, Mike and Debbie Naluai. The workers were able to remodel several facilities improving electrical, plumbing and structural needs. Pictures from the mission trip are posted at www.HisVoiceNews.blogspot.com . His Voice volunteers and friends will be returning to complete their restoration work, Sunday, October 11. Volunteers are welcome and needed - contact Mike Naluai at Flynkahuna@yahoo.com or 951/488-1595 for more information.
OCT 10: Saturday, 11:00 AM, Chino’s Portuguese Adventist Church Worship and 5:00 PM, Fallbrook Adventist Church Vespers
OCT 17: Saturday, 3:00 PM His Voice will provide music at Virginia Wheaton’s Memorial Service at the Azure Hills Adventist Church on Barton Road in Grand Terrace. Mrs. Wheaton was the mother of Lorraine Fisher, wife of His Voice Bass Buddy Fisher.
NOV 15: Sunday, 10:15 AM - Sun City First Baptist Church; PM - Azure Hills Adventist Church Fall Festival
~~~~~~~GOD'S SURPRISES – a twist of faith
I sat behind a long table on the church platform searching my memory for one good answered prayer. I was on a panel talking about God’s promises and my mind was blank. Maybe it was because the nerves in my neck and shoulders were twisting like strings on an old guitar, cutting off any memory of God’s goodness.
None the less, I knew I must share something, anything and I went through the drill that I had learned from Elder Glenn Coon’s ABC’s of Prayer to request God’s help, “Ask God (Matthew 7:7), Believe He will do it (Mark 11:24), Claim or take hold of His promise (Matthew 21:22). Aimlessly, I turned the pages of my Bible looking for help and was about to give up when these words in Jeremiah caught my eye, “Behold, I will bring health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.” Jeremiah 33:6
As the other panel members continued sharing their amazing stories, I placed my fingers on the fragile Bible page and repeated the promise in my head, breathing in slowly. I would practice gratefulness to God, but still the pain remained. Now all eyes were on me as I cleared my throat to speak. As I faced them I felt pain and sadness in revealing that my feeble attempt at promise claiming was fruitless. But in my hesitation I realized that something was different. “Friends,” I continued haltingly, “I asked God to remove the back pain that I have and He said, ‘No’ but He has given me something better. God has given me His golden peace and my pain has taken a back seat!”
I turned my head to hide my grateful tears and listened as three college friends sang a benediction from Jude, “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”
- Nancy Troyer, His Voice Communications
1. Musical Director Michael Naluai Flynkahuna@yahoo.com 951/488-1595
2. Chief Executive Officer Tom Tillinghast xmayort@who.net 909/825-5351825-5351
3. Chief Financial Officer Buddy Fisher budifisher@msn.com 909/796-8756
4. Secretary Jim Langford jimlead@verizon.net 619/933-4404
5. Director of Marketing Don Troyer ChappyLTC@aol.com 951/845-8317
6. Assoc. Dir. of Marketing/Scheduling KarenKnight KKnight8@verizon.net 909/747-2525
7. Dir. of Communications Nancy Troyer HisVoiceNews@aol.com 951/845-8317
8. Mailing Address: His Voice, 22421 Barton Rd-PMB 351, Grand Terrace 92313
9. Website & Email: www.HisVoice.us & HisVoiceNews@aol.com
10. Web Journal: http://HisVoicenews.blogspot.com; FB http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=49050814988&ref=ts
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