Monday, June 16, 2008

IN HIS HANDS ... in Laguna Niguel

Sabbath, June 14, we traveled from north and south, through mountains and valleys into Orange County. The minute we stepped out of our cars at the Laguna Niguel Seventh-day Adventist Church parking lot and breathed in the fresh air and felt the sun on our shoulders, we knew His Voice was in for a great day. The church building was built in 1977, according to a prominent corner stone and inside the foyer were several Nathan Green paintings of Jesus. The sanctuary was warm and inviting with water affects and stain glass and large banners about God and Country.
We were a little down in numbers, especially in the bass section, but in spite of our frustrations God's Spirit took control and blessed listener and singers together. It is strange, otherworldly in fact, to know that man's actions when sharing God's love, aren't really in our hands, but in His. That's what happened at Laguna Niguel on Kensington Drive and we are grateful!

- Nancy Troyer, Editor

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