Tuesday, November 11, 2014


An amazing thing happened on the way to San Diego . . . His Voice was honored to serenade a very special guest!   Saturday, November 1, a faithful service animal was sitting patiently by his charge when the men of His Voice filled the Clairemont Adventist Church sanctuary with heavenly hymns. Most service animals we hear about are big dogs that guide their masters in whatever tasks they need, however, this loyal lass was a feline known as Casper the Service Cat and he was occupying the San Diego church pew where the men of His Voice were sharing a worship concert. 
According to his owner, Terry Thrush Sr., Casper detects his low blood sugars up to an hour before Terry can tell, making Terry's life much healthier and happier.
After being discovered by several admiring congregants, the Orange Point Siamese relaxed on a pew in full comfort, declaring the morning concert "Purr-fect" for a good cat nap.

Beyond the saga of unusual guests at a Sabbath worship hour, it was a pleasure for His Voice to begin their concert day adventure in Pastor John & Sandy Anderson's church district, being welcomed by Head Elder Tony Felix and newcomer David Crockett on the church steps.
While other His Voice families were arriving in their cars after an early morning drive from Riverside county, Rad and Natalija Krkljus were unloading boxes of His Voice CDs from their van ( picture below).  Brother-in-law, Ron Tkalec was also spotted helping out.  A special thank you is in order to this family for faithfully hauling around boxes and boxes of CDs and much more for years.
Our newest CD: Jerry Albritton's beautiful CD

Our newest addition to the His Voice CD table this fall is Pianist Jerry Albritton's beautiful CD, "Lord, Lift Us Up."  Jerry has been accompanying His Voice for several years now and we are delighted to offer his music on our CD table.  Enjoy a relaxing afternoon listening to many songs of faith, starting with "Great is Thy Faithfulness and ending with "Higher Ground." Thank you, Jerry, your gentle spirit as well as your amazing talent, bless us!
Below are a few more photos from our visit to the Clairemont Adventist Church at 4125 Hathaway Road in San Diego.  Enjoy!
The San Diego Clairemont Seventh-day Adventist Church on Hathaway Road.

Director Mike Naluai singing "Champion of Love" to the Clairemont Church family.
Gary introducing the men of His Voice in true Kerstetter fashion

Mario Rocha puts his arm around fellow tenor Chris Christopher as he belts out his song.

Clairemont Church Head Elder Tony Felix eloquently thanking His Voice for sharing the melodies of Heaven.

Two grateful CD holders "taking His Voice home."

Clairemont Church youth Lauren was ready to join His Voice as their new director!

The fellowship meal tables following the worship service were filled to overflowing!

Speaking of "filled to overflowing. . . "

Matthew 11:28 - Displayed in the Clairemont Church Foyer
Photos and story by
Nancy Troyer, His Voice Communications

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