Friday, May 10, 2013


The sun was sitting low on the horizon as His Voice began their first of three evening concerts for the weekend.  First stop, Friday, May 10, 2013, was at the friendly First Baptist Church on Girard Street in Hemet.  Saturday and Sunday nights His Voice would sing at the Southwest Christian Church in Temecula and Calvary Presbyterian in Riverside.
His Voice singer Frank Hartog introduced the Friday evening program and welcomed the other Billy Graham who shared some old-time favorites with the congregation.   Director Michael Naluai motioned to Pianist Jerry Albritton and the men's  chorus filled the large sanctuary with the mellow sounds of men singing, "I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice . . . ."
Below are a few pictures from the concert.
First Baptist Church, 26089 Girard Street, Hemet
This was the second time His Voice had visited the Baptist congregation and people were eager to hear them again.

Baritone Gary Kerstetter introduced
the "young, handsome" men of His Voice
His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton is such a blessing to His Voice!

Director Mike singing "Champion of Love"

The singing bass and baritones in profile, L-R: Leonard Kuninobo, Rad Krkljus, Frank Hartog,
Bob Opp, Harold Van Dyke, Sherman Jefferson, Gary Kerstetter, and Don Troyer
Director Mike sharing the special mission His Voice has for orphans in Baja, Mexico
His Voice Bass Buddy Fisher sharing how God had blessed his life

The congregation was in motion after the last song was sung,
but the men of His Voice stopped to thank God His blessing them.
Julie Gwinn, wife of His Voice Bass Donald Gwinn, sharing the two CDs by His Voice with the congregation
This happy couple brought smiles to all of us

Director Mike enjoyed talking to these two lovely ladies
Some of the men of His Voice with the other Billy Graham who was also featured in the evening concert.
 L-R: Don Troyer, Billy Graham, Harold Van Dyke, Dale Anderson, and Rad Krkljus.

Photos by Nancy Troyer
His Voice Communications

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