Saturday, April 13, 2013


Early Saturday morning, April 13, 2013, the men and families of His Voice headed for the legendary railroad junction known as Colton Crossing, once the busiest railroad crossing in the United States. 
But the men's chorus wasn't jumping on a train, as interesting a journey as that might be, they were stepping into the sanctuary of the Colton Seventh-day Adventist Church on Rancho Avenue to sing beneath the crimson-draped cross. 
Below are a few pictures taken during the worship hour and if you scroll all the way to the end of the page, you can read the story about a special tailgate sign.

The Colton Adventist Church is located at the corner of Rancho and Laurel Avenues.
 Greeters Abner, Tony, and Oliver gave us a royal welcome
The Scripture, John 10:1-4, read by Don Troyer, opened the worship hour 

Director Mike with organist Jerry Albritton and the men of His Voice

The wives of His Voice are always a big encouragement to their men.  L-R: Julie Gwinn, Edith Batori, Millie Jeffereson, Luz Romero, Natalija Krkljus, and Lorraine Fisher.
His Voice Concert Scheduler Gary Kerstetter introduces
His Voice to the Colton Church congregation

The children of the Colton Church gather up their offering ... just a few days ahead of Uncle Sam.
Bob Ferguson  is thoroughly involved in telling the children story.

Jay Robinson, right, sings "All Through The Night" during the
children's story while Zeke Vieira played his violin.

Director Mike shares words of wisdom with the congregation

The Colton Church cooks are shown here mixing up a lot of love.
 L-R: Nelene, Ellie, Elizabeth and her grandmother Elizabeth

Following the worship service,  everyone enjoyed a delicious meal.

THE TAILGATE SIGN: "Honk if you love Jesus!" - Hanging where?  On the sanctuary wall of the Colton Adventist Church in loving memory of an old friend.  The homeless man, Doug Hetrick, traveled across the states on his bike  and landed in Colton where he won a lot of friends at the Colton Church.  Whatever vehicle he had, whether it was his bike, van, or RV, Doug would hang this sign on the back.  Doug was drawn to this loving church and started attending services, was baptized, and became a deacon in the church before his untimely death  by a hit and run driver.  Doug was unforgettable and because he was so loved, the members hung his favorite sign inside their sanctuary.  A real tribute to not only a once-homeless man but also to a loving congregation!

Photos & Article by Nancy Troyer
His Voice Communications

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