Monday, February 25, 2008


"A sound of hope ... a sound of peace,
A sound that celebrates and speaks what we believe.
A sound of love, a sound so strong
It's amazing what is given when we share a song.
This is why we sing, why we lift His Voice
Why we stand as one in harmony.
This is why we sing...."
Adapted from Greg Gilpin's song, "Why We Sing"
Bold words are substituted for actual words, "our voice"
To enlarge photo, double click on it.
Listen to His Voice sing "the Lord's Prayer"
Look to your left on this page and scroll all the way down and click on "View My Complete Profile." Another page will open, click on words in blue "Audio Click" -Another page will open, click on "Stream" to hear the song. Now, sing along as if no one is listening, except Him.

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