Saturday, February 15, 2014


Saturday, February 15, 2014, the men and families of His Voice traveled into the Inland Empire's Pass to visit the Banning Adventist Church family at the intersection of Nicolet and 22nd Street. 
Director Michael Naluai directed the men of His Voice in the stately sanctuary as they joined together singing a new song, "I am the Light of the World:  He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, in darkness,  but he shall have the light of life . . ." 
The men's rich voices blended together as Jerry Albritton accompanied them on the piano.  This concert of new songs was grand and lifted up, dwelling on the faithfulness and ever present strength of an Almighty God .... listeners all around were silent as if entering into a quiet place filled with Grace. 
Following the worship service, His Voice joined the church members in a family potluck and enjoyed a delicious buffet. 
Below are a few photos from that morning.
The Banning Pass - a view of Mt. San Gorgonio from the church parking lot.

Visitors were greeted by this welcome sign at the Banning Seventh-day Adventist Church


The Banning Church stands like a beacon at the corner of Nicolet and 22nd Street

Banning Church greeter Thelma Willingram welcomes a couple

The Church Bulletin

His Voice Tenor Jay Robinson shares a story

A Row of Miracles . . . L-R: Chris Christopher, Donald Gwinn, Tom Tillinghast, Sid Shipman, Dale Anderson, Buddy Fisher.

His Voice Bass Bob Opp recalls how God closed doors and opened windows to bring the Opp family to California.

The Banning congregation listened attentively.

The church banner boldly proclaims God's love as the men of His Voice sing praises

Director Michael Naluai passionately leads the men as old friends, Jim and Jana Greet listen behind him on the front row

An owl's view of the spacious church sanctuary
Director Mike leads the congregation singing "Soon & Very Soon"

Banning Head Deacon Jim Greet thanks Director Mike for sharing God's love through music for the Banning Church worship service

"Make me a blessing"
His Voice Bass Rad Krkljus at the CD table - everyone was given a CD!

"Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love."
Visiting after the worship service, L-R: Mario Rocha, Jamie, Bob Opp, Ruben Neuharth, Jim Romero

"The Family that prays together, stays together!"
A sweet family stops to pose for the camera

"The Very Best of Friends"
His Voice tenor Bob Ferguson (L) and his wife, Ethel, brought a friend to the concert.

"Never leave empty-handed or empty hearted!"
A happy couple pause for a photo with their new CD

Chatting with dear friends - Banning head elder Glenn Williams visits with old friend His Voice baritone Zoltan Batori

"Meeting the Martha's of the Church"
His Voice Baritone Don Troyer stops to thank the Banning  hostesses

"Gathering the Very Vest Delicacies"
At the head of the potluck line were some very hungry singers in their new suits. L-R: Harold Van Dyke, Sherman Jefferson, Gary Kerstetter, Cleben Dias, Donald and Julie Gwinn.

"Breaking Bread Together"
The families of His Voice visiting together during lunch prepared by the ladies of the Banning Church.

Photos by Nancy Troyer, His Voice Commnications

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