Monday, November 25, 2013


Saturday, November 9, the men and families of His Voice headed west on the freeway into Los Angeles county to share a morning worship concert with the Bellflower Seventh-day Adventist Church Family on Bixby Avenue.  They were welcomed by Pastor Ross Calkins and the congregation.  Following the worship service the men's chorus was treated to a delicious lunch provided by the families of the church. Below are a few pictures from that morning....
The Seventh-day Adventist Church of Bellflower
 "taking the good news to this generation"
17008 Bixby Avenue - -  562-920-7766
His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton being welcomed
to the Bellflower Church by greeter Delphina Hall.
The Bellflower Church Ensemble was a beautiful start to the worship service
A view of the men of His Voice from the Bellflower Church balcony. L-R BACK ROW: Leonard Kuninobo, Rad Krkljus, Frank Hartog, Bob Opp, Harold Van Dyke, Sherman Jefferson, Gary Kerstetter, Zeke Vieira, & Don Troyer. MIDDLE ROW: John Trautman, Bob Ferguson, Nick Gutierrez, Jay Robinson, Ron Tkalec, Cleban Dias, Rodney Knight, & Zoltan Batori. FRONT ROW: Buddy Fisher, Donald Gwinn, Tom Tillinghast, Sid Shipman, Dale Anderson, & Chris Christopher. FRONT & CENTER: Director Michael Naluai and (not pictured) Pianist Jerry Albritton
L-R: John Trautman, Bob Ferguson, Nick Gutierrez, Jay Robinson,
Ron Tkalec, Cleben Dias, Rodney Knight & Zoltan Batori
What a beautiful sight, the wives and friends of His Voice side by side in the
church pew enjoying another great worship concert.

A Bellflower Angel
Young worshipers sitting with their friends
Director Michael Naluai sharing the His Voice mission to the orphans of Baja, Mexico
Pastor Ross Calkins (bottom left) sitting with his
 young parishioners during the children's story

Bellflower Pastor Ross Calkins (middle)
with old friends Millie & Sherman Jefferson.
Sherman is the new president of His Voice

Director Michael Naluai was so impressed with the warm Bellflower spirit
that he gathered the men together for a few impromptu songs during the meal
Nancy (Neuharth) Troyer and Twila (Patterson) Csepanyi,
Lynwood Academy classmates, were happy to meet again

His Voice was treated to a delicious potluck following the worship service
provided by several church families: Grace Gallimba, Ramon & Gloria
Martinez, Russell & Ruth Yamada, Kenneth Goh, David & Maria Ibarra,
Ti and Apple Koh, and Reuel Hinojales
The Bellflower Church Family enjoyed some good food & friendship
during their weekly fellowship dinner while listening to His Voice
His Voice Baritone Don Troyer making new friends
Photos and story by Nancy Troyer
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