Tuesday, October 22, 2013


"On the twenty-first sunday after Pentecost," October 13, 2013, the men of His Voice lead by Jay Robinson, director in Mike Naluai's absence, sang for the dual congregations of St. Stephen's Episcopal and the Shekinah Glory Churches in Menifee.  
The men's chorus began the worship service in song later followed by a communion service lead by Rev. W. Clarke Prescott, pastor of St. Stephen's and a rousing sermon by Rev. Michael Kahn, pastor of Shekinah Glory.  Following the worship service, a delicious meal was served nearby.
Below are a few pictures from that morning . . .
A beautiful prayer corner in the church
The first words on the cross are "Amazing Grace"
St Stephen's Episcopal Church at 26704 Murrieta Road, Menifee, CA
Website: www.ststephensmenifee.com

His Voice singing to the Episcopal congregation.

Rev. Prescott gave a lady awaiting surgery
 a beautiful prayer quilt made by the ladies of the church

Jay Robinson directing the men of His Voice

Gathering together

His Voice Baritone Don Troyer sharing the mission of His Voice with the congregation

His Voice wives Barb Shipman and Elizabeth
Albritton enjoying the service

L-R: Sid Shipman, Rodney Knight, Ron Tkalec, Bob Ferguson,
 John Trautman, Mario Rocha, Nick Gutierrez, and Tom Tillinghast

His Voice Tenor Ron Tkalec sharing with the church family

Jay Robinson and Jerry Albritton leading the men of His Voice

Baritone Don Troyer visiting with a couple from St. Stephens

L-R: John Trautman, Rad Krkljus, Tom Tillinghast, Ron Tkalec, Rev. Kahn, Jay Robinson, and Donald Gwinn

Prayer quilts were given to two members in the congregation
 and each tie on the quilt represented a prayer .

His Voice Baritone Don Troyer visiting with a mother who received a prayer quilt on behalf
of her daughter who was critically injuried in a motorcycle accident.
A member of  the congregation sits quietly in meditation

To reach this reporter write to HisVoiceNews@aol.com

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