Saturday, April 13, 2013


After Director Mike and the men of His Voice finished their concert and enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Colton Adventist Church, Saturday afternoon, April 13, 2013, they headed for Loma Linda's Heritage Gardens, a few miles away. 
The senior facility was on the corner of Barton Road and Benton Street near the Jerry Pettis Memorial Veterans Hospital. The men's chorus sang to waiting residents in the dining room of the skilled nursing portion of the facility.  Below are a few pictures from the  afternoon concert.

 Heritage Gardens Healthcare Center has skilled nursing as well as assisted living options

Jerry Albritton had already begun playing the introduction to "Written in Red" and Director Mike was ready to step in and do the solo, when Don Troyer finally found the right Heritage Gardens meeting place, just in time to begin singing.

The wives of His Voice are pictured here enjoying the afternoon concert at the senior facility. L-R: Lorraine Fisher, Millie Jefferson, Julie Gwinn, and a relaxed Heritage resident.  Julie was keeping busy signing the songs in sign language.
Mario Rocha and Director Mike Naluai put their all in their duet
His Voice enjoyed the dining room acoustics
L-R: Singers Mario Rocha, Bob Ferguson, and Harold Van Dyke are fascinated with one of the residents
Ron Tkalec stopped by to let the resident know she was loved.
On the road again: the car pooling quartet head home after a blessed concert day L-R: Ron Tkalec, Sid Shipman, and Director Mike Naluai at the wheel.

Photos & Article by Nancy Troyer
His Voice Communications


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