Saturday, October 10, 2009

Portuguese Church Hosts Singers

First Story of Concert Day: The first concert of the morning on Saturday, October 10, was in the panhandle of San Bernardino County in the city of Chino for the Portuguese Adventist Church worship service.

Pastor Paulo Bechara welcomed the group in Portuguese with His Voice singers Buddy Fisher and Bob Ferguson's colorful translations throughout the worship hour.
Following the concert the friendly South American church family hosted their visitors with a delicious lunch of 'haystacks' and then sent them on their way to their next concert destination - Fallbrook, in San Diego County.
Special thanks to the men of His Voice who man our CD table after the concerts. His Voice basses Rad Krklijus and Harold Van Dyke are pictured here.

The photographs you see above are the creative effort of Ethel Ferguson, wife of His Voice tenor Bob -- thank you, Ethel!

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