Saturday, September 12, 2009


(This is the 3rd of 3 articles about His Voice Concert Day, Sept 12.)
After a brief survey of San Diego's Balboa Park, His Voice changed into their Hawaiian attire and walked into the foyer of Paradise Village Retirement Community in National City, ready to sing.

His Voice was Liberty Hall's first program since they opened in August. Paradise Village's Laura Runkle opened the Saturday program by greeting the guests and residents to Liberty Hall's first event. Michael Naluai, founder and director of His Voice, took center stage leading the men's chorus in an acapella song of praise in the darkened theater.


The evening continued under bright lights for the next 90 minutes, sharing with the senior resort community God's love, written in red.
Harry Bennett, Associate Pastor of the Paradise Valley Adventist Church and the new chaplain for Paradise Village closed the program thanking Direcctor Mike and His Voice for an inspiring evening and inviting them for a light supper following the program.


As the audience left Liberty Hall, they were surprised with complimentary copies of His Voice's premier CD, "Written in Red," given to concert goers with a request to return a stamped-self-addressed envelope to send prayer requests and "give as God leads you."

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