Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Our guest contributor this month is His Voice Baritone Zeke Vieira from Brazil. Thank you, Zeke, for sharing your perspective on the ministry of His Voice Men's Chorus! - Nancy Troyer, His Voice News Editor

"Hello all! ... I have to say that getting together with other men (this last Sabbath at the Loma Linda University Church for the Men's Festival of Music), singing in such a majestic way is heavenly! I was thinking of how many of us have life's problems in our minds and how much we depend on Our Father In Heaven to take care of us. Many there yesterday, I'm sure, either among the singing individuals or in the audience, were bearing life's heavy loads in their souls. Yet, as we sang and they listened, God's blessings were poured into our and their hearts, bringing consolation and healing. I am thankful the Lord has given us voices to sing!
"My other thought this morning, made me aware of how wonderful it is to fellowship with all the men who love to sing together. It was beautiful to be able to gather together here and there behind the church with a few of the men from the other groups, this during the breaks to sing a few verses of Wayne Hooper's arrangements and compositions. The majority of Adventist men who sing, pay homage to Wayne's inspiring songs by joining others who love to sing his songs. Wayne left us a legacy which will never be matched."
-- Zeke Vieira, His Voice Baritone from Brazil
Special thanks to James Waworoendeng of Loma Linda University for sharing the two professional group photos near the beginning of our photos above. Jim shared, "I enjoyed the concert as always. Keep up the ministry, and wishing you all success."
NOTE: To enlarge pictures, double click on the picture and you should be able to see the individual singers much better.

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