Friday, April 25, 2008


(His Voice Men's Chorus, one of seven men's choirs
participating in the Men's Festival of Music
at Loma Linda University Church, Click on picture to enlarge)
This next week is destined to be a wonderful opportunity for His Voice to join with seven other men's choirs praising God together at the MEN'S FESTIVAL OF MUSIC at the Loma Linda University Church in Loma Linda, California
The schedule for April 30 - May 3 follows:


7:30 PM - Men's Festival Practice at Loma Linda University Church
Some His Voice Men may want carpool from the Valley Church
- contact Rad for more information

No Thursday Night Practice this week, but remember this,
"Before you go to sleep thank God for everyone and everything.
Count your blessings; name them one by one."
- Norman Vincent Peale


Dress Rehearsal for Men's Festival of Music
Attire: None requested, but bring your
black binder to hold musical selections.

6:00 PM - Meet at the Loma Linda University Church for supper
(6:00-7:00 PM at the fellowship hall)
7:00 PM Dress rehearsal for Men's Festival of Music
(7:00-10:00 PM in the church sanctuary)
During this practice, you will be given your seat number
and meal tickets for you and your family


Attire: Wear your black suit with the
new teal/aqua dress shirt with matching tie.
Remember to bring your
black notebook/binder to hold musical selections.
Hawaiian shirts not needed this month.

7:45 AM - Meet in Loma Linda University
Church Sanctuary to warm up
8:30 AM Worship Service with
special music by all seven men's choirs
9:00-9:45 AM Light Breakfast in Fellowship Hall
10:00-11:00 AM Sabbath School Study
Some group choirs may sing in area Sabbath Schools while
others will attend the University Church Sabbath School.
11:00 AM Meet in Choir Room for second service
11:15 AM Worship Service with special music
by all seven men's choirs
12:00 Noon Lunch in the fellowship room
- be sure you have your meal tickets
2:00-4:00 PM in University Church Sanctuary
Practice His Voice special numbers - "Glory" and "Written in Red"
5:00 PM - The Men's Festival Concert begins in the
Loma Linda University Church Sanctuary.
Group Musical Selections:
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"
"Swing Down, Chariot"
"Battle Hymn of the Republic"
"Hallelujah Chorus"
"The Lord's Prayer "
and "America the Beautiful"
May God bless you as you listen...
to hundreds of men sing praises to God!

"Thank you, Lord Jesus,
for Christian men
who bless your name through music.
Surely, we will hear Your Voice singing in sweet harmony!"
Take One Home: Following the concert,
there will be CD's available from the various men's choirs,
including the His Voice CD, "Written in Red"
NOTE: This program may be aired live on LLBN-TV
Saturday, May 3, 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
Go to for more information
CONFIRMED ... The Men's Festival of Music
with His Voice Men's Chorus as one of the
men's choirs particpating will be aired LIVE on LLBN-TV!

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