Sunday, April 13, 2008




April 12, 2008, was a beautiful Sabbath morning as the men of His Voice shared the Good News found in Jesus Christ at the La Sierra University Church sanctuary in Riverside, California.
The sixty-year-old chapel inspires worshippers at first sight with its modern swirls and angles depicted in its many colorful stained glass windows that reflect rainbows across parishioner's shoulders. Visitors not accustomed to colossal pipe organ music stiffen and then relax at the roar of intense melody that surprises and holds attentions. It's sound comes from the grand old organ handmade by member Donald Vaughn and its roar sends shivers up spines, reminding one that this is no ordinary building made of brick and stone but one dedicated to understanding the heart of the Creator of the Universe.
The 2700 member sanctuary sits on the corner of a historical campus, beginning in 1922 as La Sierra Academy on acreage that had been part of an 1846 Mexican land grant known as Rancho La Sierra. Its original location placed it in the midst of farm land that cradled its coursework in preparation for teaching as it took the title of La Sierra Academy and Normal School. Educational opportunities continued to grow, and it evolved into Southern California Junior College, then La Sierra College, then the College of Arts and Sciences of Loma Linda University and finally La Sierra University with its four major studies in the School of Education, the School of Business and Management, the School of Religion and the Evening Adult Degree Program. La Sierra as it is known today is congratulated for being one of the most diverse universities in the nation and is involved in many community activities as well as an educational and spiritual outreach to people around the world.
So it was that His Voice felt honored to step over the threshold of education and share their voices, remembering that it is not the sound of many men's voices that make it strong but the presence of the Holy Spirit that unites the created with the Creator, becoming one in His Voice.
PICTURES ABOVE: The digital camera shutters snapped repeatedly throughout this spring concert day, capturing His Voice in many moods and actions, above are just a few of the 175 taken. - the Editor
SEARCH for the CAMERA SHOT: Thanks to His Voice Second Tenor Nick for capturing a special visit on his camera phone ... can you guess which one it is?

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