Monday, October 29, 2012


Saturday evening, October 27, 2012, two weeks after their last visit, His Voice returned to the Fallbrook Adventist Church for the final night of the Prophecy of Hope Seminar.  The men's chorus opened the evening last seminar with a half hour of inspirational music before the speaker, Pastor Doug Batchelor from Amazing Facts , spoke about "The Colossal City."  Below are a few pictures from that final evening.
His Voice lead by Director Michael Naluai as they open the Prophecy of Hope evening meeting.

Standing by Artist Nathan Green's rendition of the Second Coming of Jesus,
is His Voice singers L-R: Rudy Gumangan, Tom Tillinghast, and Donald Gwinn

Prophecy of Hope Speaker, Pastor Doug Batchelor,
Sharing his amazing facts about  "The Colossal City"
Click here to listen >

Listeners on final night of Prophecy of Hope

Fallbrook Visitors listen intently
His Voice Bass Harold Van Dyke beginning "A Sinner Saved by Grace"

His Voice Tenor Ron Tkalec as he ends song "A Sinner Saved by Grace"
His Voice singers L-R: Rad Krkljus, Jay Robinson,
Harold Van Dyke, Sherman Jefferson, and Ron Tkalec

Singing to a full house

Rad Krkljus at His Voice CD table with visitors

His Voice Singers L-R: Bob Ferguson,
Jay Robinson, Rodney Knight, and Dale Anderson
Happy Couple Leave with His Voice CD

His Voice Baritone Don Troyer at CD table
with visitor Paul Uskevicz of Riverside

Grateful Vistors Receive CD

Prophecy of Hope Speaker Doug Batchelor surrounded by His Voice singers after seminar at CD table, L-R:
Harold Van Dyke, Don Troyer, Dale Anderson, Doug Batchelor, Sherman Jefferson,
Bob Ferguson, Rad Krkljus, Rudy Gumangan, Ron Tkalec, and Leonard Kuninobo

Sunday, October 21, 2012



His Voice visited with the friendly residents of Sun City Gardens after their concert and then headed thirty minutes south on I-215 and I-15 to the Fallbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church (visible from the I-15, south of the Rainbow Valley exit) at 1200 Old Highway 395. It was still Sabbath, October 13, 2012.
The sun was quickly setting when the men chorus assembled in the fellowship room before entering the stately sanctuary. It was 7:00 PM, the second week of the month-long seminar "Prophecies of Hope." Eager listeners had continued to pack the Fallbrook Church each evening as they listened to Pastor Jeff Harper, seminar speaker, share his passion. 
His Voice began the evening seminar with several praise songs, I Love You, Lord followed by I Will Rejoice and Sweet Spirit. The next song, The Majesty and Glory of Your Name, seemed to make time stand still as if men and angel voices mingled together. The feeling was electric, strengthening and humbling all together. The liberating gospel of Jesus Christ entered every heart as if no strife or fear existed outside the sanctuary walls. Director Michael Nalaui proclaimed his Champion of Love with enthusiasm and the men's chorus concert ended with songs, Medley of the Cross and Steppin' On The Clouds, a fitting praise to a prophecy series designed to understand God's love. 
His Voice will return to Fallbrook, Saturday evening, October 27, for the final Prophecies of Hope seminar featuring Amazing Facts speaker Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Following the seminar, His Voice shared their two CDs Written in Red and Almighty God with the exiting listeners  - God's grace in action!
Below are a few photos taken by Nancy Troyer, His Voice Communications. 

Seminar Poster

Prophecy of Hope Seminar Speaker Pastor Jeff Harper

Fallbrook church audience listening to His Voice

A view from the media center in the balcony


Singing The Majesty and Glory of Your Name

Director Mike and chorus singing Champion of Love

His Voice Baritone Don Troyer at CD table, visiting in foyer 

The end of a Sabbath day filled with God's Grace
FYI - If you'd like to know more about the seminar,
here is the Prophecies of Hope lessons link:

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Sun City Gardens, a haven of
warmth in the Sun City community

Traveling a half hour south on I-215, His Voice continued their concert day by visiting the residents of Sun City Gardens, a senior Sun City community on Bradley Road.

Resident Dr. Peter Dudar introduced the men's chorus that sunny October 13 afternoon and the music began as pianist Jerry Albritton followed Director Michael Naluai's lead. 

Following the afternoon concert a visitor shared, "Just an hour ago, I was walking up the driveway to Sun City Gardens complaining of how hard it was to take another step. After listening to this beautiful music, my pain is gone!"

Certainly, songs of praise blended with the ambiance of warmth of Sun City Gardens creating a symphony of healing sung in His Voice.

His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton follows
Director Mike, directing from the front row of listeners

Director Mike singing Champion of Love
Top Row L-R: Tenors Jay Robinson, Bob Ferguson, Rodney Knight,
Dale Anderson, Cleben Dias, and Baritone Gary Kerstetter. 
Bottom Row L-R: Basses Chris Christopher, Tom Tillinghast, and Donald Gwinn

The ladies of Sun City Gardens, happy from an afternoon
of listening to His Voice singing inspirational music

His Voice Bass Dr. Leonard Kuninobo shares 
stories with resident Dr. Peter Dudar

His Voice Bass Buddy Fisher chats with the ladies of Sun City Gardens

His Voice Baritone Gary Kerstetter shares with Sun City
Gardens Administrator Anthony Plantier


The Rialto Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1560 N. Lilac Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
Saturday, October 13, 2012, the men and families of His Voice left home early on an all-day journey to churches in Rialto, Sun City and Fallbrook - a round trip of at least 120 miles.

Their first stop was with Pastor Khachatourian's congregation at the Rialto Seventh-day Adventist Church on Lilac Avenue. Director Michael Naluai lead the men in a dozen hymns and gospel songs, beginning the worship service with the men's chorus encircling the congregation as they sang an inspirational a Capella version of   Holy, Holy, Holy.   The songs that followed in worship concert were Praise to the Lord, Written in Red, Champion of Love, Sinner Saved by Grace, Satisfied, All Through the Night, Does Jesus Care, Glory ending with the comforting gospel song No More Night.  

Following the service, His Voice shared their CD's Written in Red and Almighty God with the exiting congregation.  A delicious luncheon provided by the ladies of the church was served following the service including a special dessert created by the pastor's son, Sergio Khachatourian who is a chef at Riverside's Green Olive Grill.

His Voice ended their visit by singing, "We thank you so much ... the food was delicious...." to the gracious church family.  Below are a few pictures from the His Voice worship concert in Rialto.

Mrs. Christina Khachatourian and the Rialto Church Praise Team

The mello sound of  men singing filled the spacious sanctuary

Director Mike singing Champion of Love

Former His Voice singer Ron Harrison (top middle) visiting from Tennessee
is surrounded by his brothers in Christ as he joins in gospel praise.

Tenor Mario Rocha sings with all his heart

His Voice Pianist Jerry Albritton tickling the ivories

Tenor Bob Ferguson - the storyteller

Rialto's future generation listening to Bob Ferguson's
children story followed by His Voice singing a lullaby, All Through the Night
Pastor Raymond Khachatourian closes the worship service with prayer.

L-R:  Friend Heriar K. with Pastor K's family
Pastor Raymond, Christina, and son Sergio

Recordings being created for homebound members...

Church sister relieving a young mother by
quieting and then  cradling her sweet little baby boy

Happy couple with their
two His Voice CDs

His Voice Baritone Sherman Jefferson and family. 
L-R: Sherman's son Erwin and daughter-in-law Kathy Jefferson,
grandson Levi, Sherman, and lovely wife Millie

An abundant vegetarian luncheon makes
His Voice singers happy and grateful, too!
Right side lineup: Don Troyer, Tom
Tillinghast, Dale Anderson, Ron Harrison...

Proud grandpa, His Voice bass Sherman Jefferson hold grandson Levi

Rialto Sisters happy to receive His Voice CDs

Tenors Jay Robinson and Ron Tkalec enjoying
lunch in the spacious fellowship room

Ron Harrison ready toenjoy an early Thanksgiving.
Ron was visiting from his home in Tennessee
where he does mission work with troubled teens.

Baritone Zeke Vieira and Tenor Cleben Dias, grateful diners

Chef Sergio Khachatourian offering his
beautiful culinary delights - delicious, too!